Drumeo Review

Drumeo review

Drum learning platform is one of the most popular online drumming platforms out there, and it’s no surprise that it has astronomical numbers of subscribers. It offers a wide range of lessons from beginner to advanced levels, and you can even choose a coach to work with.

The content of each lesson is a mix of video, live performance, and written material. It’s an engaging format and the quality of the video production is excellent. There are also a lot of play alongs and rudiments to jam along to.

There are 230+ courses on Drumeo and you can choose from many different styles and instructors. There are lessons covering a variety of topics including double bass, speed building on the kit, learning stick tricks, and showmanship.

Aside from the video lessons, Drumeo Edge also uses a leveling system to track your progress and make sure you’re getting the most out of your membership. Each lesson is assigned an experience point and you can level up once you’ve watched a certain number of them.

Advanced Techniques on Drumeo: Is it Worth the Investment for Experienced Drummers

Unlike some online drumming lessons, Drumeo videos are well filmed in a studio and look professional. They’re designed to be easy to follow and explain technique as well as teach you how to read sheet music.

Student Focus is another great feature of Drumeo, which allows members to submit a video of themselves to receive feedback from a pro instructor. The instructor will provide feedback based on your skill level, goals as a drummer, and what areas you’re interested in improving.

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